Support Us

We are a non-profit organization and welcome any kind of support. If you would like to support us, please check out the Support Us page for more information.



Summer Jobs Now!  Check out our Events page to find out what events we will be organizing in the near future.

News from the Neighborhood

North Pasadena is getting a facelift! We are thrilled to be a part of history in the making. Pasadena north of 225 will be declared a historical district if all goes as planned.  Recently the renovations for El Capitan Theater were announced.  Stay tuned there is more to come!

Volunteer Party!
We are going to have our annual volunteer party for all volunteers and their families. Check out the Events page for additional information.

Photos of the Paint Initiative with the Daycare Center
We finally set up a small photo gallery of this event, which gives a great impression of the painting initiative. It was a huge success. Thanks so much to everyone involved. Click here to see the photos!