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We are a non-profit organization and welcome any kind of support. If you would like to support us, please check out the Support Us page for more information.



Summer Jobs Now!  Check out our Events page to find out what events we will be organizing in the near future.

Upcoming Events

Find out what events we are currently planning.

Bridge Tournament & Valentine's Day Dance

San Juan Diego Church in Pasadena

Volunteer Party
Next Wednesday at 5:00 pm.
Location: YES Center 
A fundraising party is going to be held next Wednesday. There will be free food for all youth who attend.  Courtsey of Pasadena Police Department. 

Clean the Park
Next Saturday 2:00 pm.
Location: Avenue A Park South Houston
Spring is near and we would like to be able to picnic in our beloved Avenue A Park. Join us to clean the big lawn in the center of the park.