Our History
The Community Resource Center began as Information and Referral Organization. Community Leaders wanted to have an organization that families could call and receive assistance locating social services. It was realized soon after that the needs outweighed the resources availlable. Organizers of the Pasaadena Community Resources began to look to outside resources to address needs of the Community. It became evident that many outside resources were not vested in the Community and would not continue provided services for a signficant length of time. The Pasadena Community Resource Center began establishing partnerships through funding sources and the needs of the Community were being met at a much higher rate as a result.
Now the Pasadena Community Resource Center is making more partnerships and is offering direct services to the Community as a result. Hopefully, soon we will provide additional services to the District and Courts to address needs identfied by them and other youth serving agencies.
Feel free to contact Ernesto Community Director of the Community Resource Center via email.